Portuguese phrases and words that will make your life easier

Learning just a few key phrases can be a useful way to make your relocation to Portugal much smoother. We've made a list of useful Portuguese phrases and words on which you should brush up. You can thank us later! Plus, we have some advice on learning Portuguese quickly, without forgetting things after 2 days. Shall we begin?
##Useful Portuguese phrases when out and about
Whether you're on a long trip or just a quick errand run, there are a few phrases you can practice avoiding getting lost while you're out and about: • Onde fica…? – Where is…? • Isto é…? – Is this…? • Quanto custa…? – How much does this cost? • Preciso de… – I need… • Posso tomar um café, por favor? – Can I have a coffee, please? • Para onde vai esse comboio/autocarro? – Where does this train/bus go? • Como chego ao (à)…? – How do I get to…? • Onde fica a casa de banho? – Where is the bathroom? • Esquerda - Left • Direita - Right
##Conversational - Portuguese small talk phrases
Small talk is a great way to break the ice and make friends while living in a new country. Next time you're at a café, try out some of these useful conversational phrases in Portuguese: • Como vai? (informal) / Como está? (formal) – How are you? • Tudo bem? (informal) - All good? • Bom dia! – Good morning! • Boa tarde! – Good afternoon! • Boa noite! – Good evening! • Como se chama? – What's your name? • De onde é? / Você é de onde? – Where are you from? • Está a gostar da cidade/do país? – Are you enjoying the city/country? • Fala inglês? – Do you speak English? • Desculpa, eu não falo Português. – I'm sorry, I don't speak Portuguese. • Eu sou americano/a. – I am American. • Sou do Reino Unido. – I am from the United Kingdom.
##Portuguese phrases to know in case of emergencies
In the unlikely event of an emergency while you are in Portugal, here are some useful Portuguese phrases that might come in handy: • Ajuda! – Help! • Chama a polícia! / Ligue para a polícia! – Call the police! • Chama um médico!/Ligue para um médico! – Call a doctor! • Tenho que ir ao hospital. – I have to go to the hospital. • Estou doente. – I am sick.
##Dinner time! Phrases and words to use when dining out in Portugal
One of the best things about Portugal is the food. You haven't lived until you've tried a fresh pastel de nata (custard tart) from Belém. Yum! Here are a few key phrases and words that will come in handy when dining: • Eu quero… – I want… • Pode-me dar…, por favor. – Can I have…, please? • Não sou vegetariano/a. – I am not a vegetarian. • Sou alérgico/a a … – I am allergic to… • Posso ter uma garrafa de…, por favor? – Can I have a bottle of…, please? • Água - Water • É tudo. – That's all. • Quero pagar, por favor. – I would like to pay, please.
##Talking business in Portugal
Here are a useful few words and phrases that will come in handy in the office: • Como posso te ajudar? / Em que posso ser útil? – How can I help you? / What can I do for you? • Desculpe interromper, mas… – Excuse me for interrupting, but… • Eu gostaria de fazer uma sugestão. – I would like to make a suggestion. • Posso ter um segundo da sua atenção? / Posso te incomodar por um minuto? – Can I have a minute of your time? • Com licença. – Excuse me. • Não estou a entender. – I don’t understand. • Pode repetir, por favor? – Can you repeat that, please?
##How to learn Portuguese quickly
Congrats! Now you know some useful Portuguese phrases. But memorizing the words long term is the most important part. So here are our tips on how to learn Portuguese quickly and without forgetting.
###1. Start with the basics. Make sure you know how to pronounce the basic sounds of Portuguese before you start learning words and phrases.
###2. Listen to Portuguese as often as possible. Whether listening to the radio, watching TV, or talking to a Portuguese friend, the more exposure you have to the language, the better.
###3. Repeat everything - more than you think you should Repetition is key when learning any new language. Make sure to review the words and phrases you've learned often.
###4. Write it down. A great way to commit something to memory is by writing it down., so keep a notebook handy, and write down any new words or phrases you learn!